Spend Automation

Procurement Reimagined -
Analyze & Optimize,  Source to Contract,  Requisition to PO,  Receive to Pay,
for organizations of all sizes.

Most procurement teams don’t have enough resources, or the technology, to address all strategic, tactical and transactional spend. Teams need to further digitize procurement in order to do more with less, yet, technology alone doesn’t deliver savings, or sustain results, which is why it often fails to deliver targeted ROI.

Let us Benchmark your Potential Savings

Introducing SpendAutomation
technology platform with an
Integrated B2B Marketplace and BuyDesk sourcing services

Power-up Procurement

Procurement that works for you

Digital workflows automate purchasing processes.

Our solution includes an integrated Marketplace with catalog content from preferred suppliers and BuyDesk sourcing services.

The platform works with any ERP or “best of breed” solution via our open architecture connections.

Simfoni is addressing this problem by fusing technology, purchasing content and sourcing services into a scalable digital+human solution.

Simfoni’s SpendAutomation solution is fully interoperable, and works with any best of breed application or ERP, breathing new life into legacy systems.

Digitized workflows create a seamless and engaging experience for users, who can now access purchasing content from preferred suppliers or even self-source quotes through a single interface.

Buyers can take advantage of tools that analyze spend, organize  and execute sourcing projects and track realtime benefits.

Simfoni’s ‘Pay as You Save’ commercial model removes upfront     cost barriers and scales based on use to maximize ROI – perfect for today’s volatile environment.

Spend Automation Solutions
time to value

Time to Value

SpendAutomation is Procurement and Finance’s best friend with demand based pricing and a near instant ROI.

We have addressed the critical question of ROI by leveraging the savings gained through Marketplace purchasing and BuyDesk sourcing services to accelerate savings which funds the automation.

Manage Any Type of Spend

The solution can be focused on indirect spend, tail spend, or an organization’s entire spend - including directs. Objectives are tailored around the need to increase spend under management, automate workflows and generate savings.


Limited headcount and tools seeking a technology + services solution to automate and optimize total spend


Developed procurement team with specializations seeking a solution to automate and optimize indirects or tail spend

The platform is configured to meet your objectives

The solution can be focused on indirect spend, tail spend, or an organization’s entire spend - including directs. Objectives are tailored around the need to increase spend under management, automate workflows and generate savings.

Spend Automation Platform Workflow
tail spend

Analytics is used to segment spend into zones

BuyDesk sourcing services and Marketplace supports tail spend delivery, freeing resource to focus on strategic spend

Segmenting spend allows us to define the optimal delivery approach across strategic and tail spend.

Spend is benchmarked against Marketplace deals with BuyDesk delivering savings on previously unmanaged tail spend.

Spend is then routed to the appropriate buying channel

Automated workflows route purchases based on spend type and approval rules

BuyDesk sourcing services manages tail-spend and spot-buys

Higher value spend is routed to a Customer or Simfoni Category Specialist

Reimagining procurement involves addressing more spend while moving low-value tasks off the shoulders of the procurement team